Well, that wasn't exactly what I was thinking, but it is a good idea! Unfortunately I won't be able to participate though, because I just placed an embarrassing large order for Ziggurat Con myself (I have a shopping addiction, I think)... some rainbow treehouse sets, 1 playing with pyramids book to go with 5 of the treehouse sets, martian coasters and the 5th coaster promo to go with the remaining treehouse sets.
Oh, if anyone orders over $100, don't forget to include the fluxx with flowers and computer keeper free consumer special! ;-)
On 4/19/07, Carol Townsend <rabbit-support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Bulk purchasing is always an option, Rebecca! Thanks for pointing that out!
Are you thinking that maybe a group of Rabbits can all get together, pool their money and send out a display of Fluxx (6 decks) from the whole group? That would rock!