Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

[Rabbits] SuperFRED's inadequacies - A member's understanding

  • From"Steven R. Black II" <srblack1167@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateFri, 20 Apr 2007 09:42:47 -0700 (PDT)
I'll not list the hows and whys.

But my experience in developing shopping carts, and what I understand
from past posts, SuperFRED was developed as a unique system from
scratch, or was such a varriation from its base system that many
things like discounts and such are not included.

The Looneys have looked into getting a new system developed, but that
costs money - money they'd rather spend entertaining us at Origins.
So, while they languish with a very-very old shopping cart that lacks
expected tools. Understand that they truly do what they can to offer
promotions and discounts in ways that the system will allow.

5 years ago, their shopping cart was sceen as cutting-edge because it
was linked to their fan database and allowed a rewards system. They
sacrificed the benefits of the normal shopping cart packages in order
to make this possible. And I know that they have looked into and have
tried to update SuperFRED to new systems - however they don't want to
loose the benefits of their current rewards system.

I hope I'm not overstepping here. But, I do believe they've tried to
find a happy NewFRED that wouldn't eat our Rabbit Points or get rid of
our SuperFRED Rabit event reports. However, doing so just isn't an
easy venture to get into.

Long story short: Allison does what she can in SuperFRED to make the
shopping experience good. However, many tools are just not there. To
get them would require them to pay a code guy to do alot of work.

Steven Black

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