Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive


  • From"Kimberly Terrill" <kiter5@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateSun, 16 Sep 2007 10:35:37 -0400
I received it as well. So he does have my personal email. I had fun responding, as he was treating my like a public school teacher and as a homeschooler, public school stuff doesn't really apply to me. I found it funny that one that tries to appear so informed- really wasn't- all he had to do was glance at my Bio to see I homeschool.
It's a free country, we have our addresses on the internet, he gave his opinion and made it clear it was a 'non-rabbit email'. I figure, if Idon't want weirdos emailing me, I shouldn't be online..LOL

On 9/16/07, William M. Reed <wreed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I forgot to include the email.  duh.

Dear Rabbits,

I got the following email today.  I'd advise you not to respond.  Remember he didn't get your personal email but he could if you reply directly to him.  I'm not making any comment on his position, but wanted to warn you before you gave him personal info.


William M. Reed
St. Joseph Montessori School


This was sent to you from non-rabbit user John McCarty

Dear fellow educator:

My name is John McCarty, a fifth grade teacher with seven years experience in Missouri. I have nearly completed an Education Specialist degree in administration, which has included legal courses.

The reason for this note is to point out, if you were not aware, that Looney Labs uses its popular Fluxx game to advocate for marijuana. Stoner Fluxx, suspiciously not listed on Fluxx's main page, uses the same basic rule set as any other Fluxx game you may use in the classroom. This means that by teaching children to use Fluxx, you are de facto teaching them to play Stoner Fluxx. You can see to possible legal problems here, as a parent who discovers their child playing Stoner Fluxx and is understandably upset (instead of "playing the game with them" as Looney Labs ludicrously suggests) will be mad enough to call their lawyer when they find out that the child learned to play Fluxx in the classroom.

Furthermore, your position as a "Rabbit" for the company puts you in jeopardy. Proceeds from this game have been used to donate thousands to legalizing marijuana. In Missouri, moral turpitude is enough grounds for dismissal. I understand laws are similar in most states. Having your name associated with Stoner Fluxx is dangerous to your career. It is sad that Looney Labs have taken such a kid friendly and intelligent game and chosen to use it to advocate for an illegal and immoral drug.

I have informed and continue to inform numerous companies, associations, and news agencies about the duplicity of Looney Labs selling this game to educators with one hand and drug addicts with the other. Please consider this letter fair warning.

John McCarty


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