Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

Re: [Rabbits] Pyramid Storage

  • From"Elliott C. Evans" <eeyore@xxxxxxxx>
  • DateSun, 16 Jan 2011 22:06:39 -0500

I was in the Office Depot today, and the display of "Really Useful Box"
products caught my eye. These lidded plastic boxes come in a variety of
sizes, but the "0.2 Litre" size is just about right for storing a stash
of pyramids OR a deck of cards. The interior is about 2 5/8" by 3 5/8"
by 1 1/4" deep.

Some pics:

A stash of filled pyramids -

A Treehouse set and die merely dumped into the box -

Some stacks of hollow pieces to show how much extra room there is-

A complete Back to the Future deck -

These boxes are pretty cheap indiviually at around $2 each, but that
could really add up for some of us. I feel like it's a good discovery,

Elliott C. "Eeyore" Evans

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