Looney Labs Something Mailing list Archive

Re: [Something] New Box

  • From"Elliott C. Evans" <eeyore@xxxxxxxx>
  • DateThu, 06 Nov 2008 23:33:21 -0500
Nick Lamicela wrote:
I'd like to know the dimensions of this box, so I can package my
 existing games that way. While I'll miss the "minimal surface area"
designs, I'll appreciate being able to stack all my LL stuff the

The box's dimensions are about 3 11/16 x 4 13/16 x 1 1/16 inches.

The bottom is about 3 9/16 x 4 3/4 x 1 inches.

The box's design is really very clever. If you get a chance, pry one
apart and check it out. The long edges are glued down, but the short
edges are just folded over and popped into place.

Elliott C. "Eeyore" Evans

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