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Re: [Edu] Making Games

  • From"William M. Reed" <wreed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateTue, 15 Aug 2006 10:25:35 -0400
Questions/replies for you, Kate:

Adopted really better suits what I did, in my opinion.  I did  not adapt the rules, mearly replaced names of vertebrates for pictures.  I will probably not change this, because I feel I "stole" more than I changed.  :-)

Other typos will be changed.  Thanks for catching them.

Regarding the recommendations:

1) why would you suggest prepositions or conjuctions, rather than interjections?

2)  I don't believe that, for the 4 panel cards, every "possible" combination is included.  As a matter of fact, I'm fairly certain that they aren't.  It was one of the reasons I needed to create the chart, because there wasn't a specific "formula", as far as I could tell, for deciding which card combinations were included.  Maybe when the Looneys get back from GenCon, if Andy sees all this, he can explain how the four panel combinations were derived.  :-) 

On Aug 15, 2006, at 10:05 AM, Kate Jones wrote:

Hi, Bill and Carol,

Here are the typos I found:


Page 1, under "Title":
adopted - adapted

Page 1, under "Objective" and under "Materials":
retile - reptile

Page 4, last line under "Action Cards":
with less than five players. - with fewer than five players.

Page 8, in check list:


Other recommendations:

Page 3 - Instead of Interjections, use Prepositions or Conjunctions.

Page 1, "Creation Directions":  When organizing the cards: include one each
of every possible combination.

William M. Reed
St. Joseph Montessori School
933 Hamlet St.
Columbus, OH  43201

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