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RE: [Fluxx] Zombie Fluxx Question

  • From"Scott Sulzer" <ssulzer@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateTue, 8 Jan 2008 12:42:56 -0800
Heh, I want to give this a shot with a particular interpretation.

Creeper: (Zombie) you cannot hold this card, but must place it face up in
front of you as soon as you get it.  If you drew it, immediately draw
another card to replace it.

Zombie Repellent: If you have this card on the table, each Zombie you have
is instantly moved to the player of your choice.

Return of the Dead: Take all Creepers out of the discard pile and deal them
out to all players, starting with the person on your left.

Zombie Victory: If there are at least 5 Creeper cards on the table, and all
players have at least 1, the game ends with no winner. (The Zombies win!)

All right, for my interpretation, we must look at have in two different
  A.) have for Zombie Repellent means to have in your possession.
  B.) have for Zombie Victory means to have in play in front of you.

So, we start off, pull all of the creepers out of the discard pile and deal
them out (Return of the Dead).  Since they are dealt, and there is no
modifier to it, they go into the player's hand, not directly into play in
front of them.  Since the player HAS (first interpretation) the creepers in
their possession, Zombie Repellent goes into effect, REQUIRING that player
to move the zombies to another player instantly.  Because the player
possessing Zombie Repellent never HAS (second interpretation) the zombies in
play in front of them, Zombie Victory never comes to fruition.

This reasoning also prevents someone with Zombie Repellent from being able
to win if a goal requires a zombie because the zombie is moved before it is
in play in front of the player.  Personally, I feel that this follows the
spirit of Zombie Repellent, as a repellent is intended to prevent something
from drawing too close (into play in front of you).

And, to maybe head off some argument, Let's Shamble says that you move one
of your creepers to the player next to you, it says nothing about putting
the card into play in front of the player next to you.  The creeper card
text forces them to do that action themselves.

Hmm, perhaps an alternate text for the creeper cards could be
"You cannot hold this card, but must place it into play as soon as you get
it.  Default play is in front of you. If you drew it, immediately draw
another card to replace it."
Unfortunately, it's a bit longer than the current text, and on cards, every
bit of space counts.

Scott Sulzer

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