Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] Re: two Treehouse questions

  • FromMark Lentczner <markl@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateThu, 4 May 2006 06:52:31 -0700

On May 3, 2006, at 8:14 AM, Eric Wald wrote:

I agree.  The only thing I would do to improve it is to use slashes
instead of commas, to make the stacks explicit.
           Initial Tree:  ^1/2/3
           A Nest:        ^3/2/1

Okay, I see where commas may be confused as delimiters between places on the line rather than pieces in the stack. BUT, the typographer in me can't abide slashes inter-mixed with digits: they make the numbers harder to read (as the slash takes up lots of ink, and is similar to many of the number glyphs...)

Let's see...

	dashes:  ^1-2-3  ^3-2-1
	pluses:  ^1+2+3  ^3+2+1
	colons:  ^1:2:3  ^3:2:1
	tildes:  ^1~2~3  ^3~2~1
	quotes:  ^1'2'3  ^3'2'1
	periods: ^1.2.3  ^3.2.1
	parens:  ^1(2(3  ^3(2(1
	or even: ^1(2(3)) ^3(2(1))
Of these, I like pluses both typographically and for the semantic "and". The parenthesis has a sort of nice stacking feel to it but seems overly heavy, and more general purpose than needed. (Plus, if you don't include the closers, then all the digits look like they're frowning.)

So, I vote for the plus sign as separator between pieces in a stack.

Now, should I submit this standard to the IETF, ISO, ANSI, ECMA, or all four? I'm reserving the upcoming Treehouse+XML format for W3C approval....

	- Mark

Mark Lentczner