Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] Generic Gnostica Deck

  • From"Don Sheldon" <don.sheldon@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateTue, 17 Jul 2007 07:17:57 -0400
On 7/16/07, Andrew Plotkin <erkyrath@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I did some vector Tarot art last year, that's intended to be legible even
when shrunk down: <http://www.eblong.com/zarf/svgtarot/index.html>

So has a guy named Damien Cugley:

All 78 cards even.  The style reminds me of Order of the Stick.  He's
got them available in both SVG and PNG.  I'm using the PNGs for the
online Gnostica game I'm hosting for my friends.  (Nothing special
coding wise, I hand write the html for each turn.
http://dsheldon.digitalfreaks.org/gnostica )

- |) () /\/
 we're theoretically planning on making it for SDG, maybe, someday