Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] Huh?

  • Frommiyu <xmiyux@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateThu, 9 Aug 2007 14:58:56 -0400
It isn't fear of reprisal.  It is not wanting to be touting a company and help them make sales if I take some issue with how they handle things.  Especially if there are alternatives out there like Icehouse and Piecepack.  When I did the game club last year (it was the first year) it met after school once a week and served approximately 75 different students over the course of the year. I know for a fact that when the holidays hit many of the students bought several hundred dollars worth of games that they played after school ( Go boards, Fluxx, Bang etc. )

So if they are making an open system and not truly making it open, then I'm not going to be responsible for making them sales.

All that being said I'll still buy a copy for myself to play with.  That though is purely because I'm a sucker for Andy's creativity and the graphic of the Hippy Festival sold me. 


On 8/9/07, James Hazelton <jameshazelton@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Oh, come on! So what if Paizo says you can't make games for there system? Do you really think that their lawyers are going to come to your classroom and manacle your students? Do they plan to buy Stonehenge in bulk and sell them like Stacktors?

I'm all for respecting company rights, but only as far as they deserve it. In other words, steal from Wal-Mart and then make games for Stonehenge and post them online. The worst they can do is tell you to take it down, but then just post it off-site and present a link.

On 8/8/07, miyu < xmiyux@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Yikes, that is somewhat off-putting.  I may have to re-evaluate using Stonehenge in my classroom as an open system for the kids to design with. 


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