Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] Huh?

  • Frommiyu <xmiyux@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateWed, 8 Aug 2007 22:17:19 -0400
I was intending to pick it up when the Looney expansion was released and it still may be tempting at that point but I will just buy a copy for me.  I previously was intending to get 4-6 copies for my school to use in my game club and critical thinking class.  You are completely right though, with an attitude like that I won't be actively trying to bring them new fans by teaching a bunch of kids the system.

Somewhat disheartening, but also underscores why I am such a LL supporter.  The attitude and philosophy goes a long way with me.


On 8/8/07, Christopher Hickman <tophu@xxxxxxx> wrote:

Indeed.  Stonehenge was going to be my next pursuit after completing
my Icehouse collection.  With an attitude like that, I may just skip it.

Ora, lege, lege, lege, relege, labora et invenies.

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