204 arrangements? That's impressive. By comparison, Fluxx only has 23 ways to win. :) Actually far more "winning combinations" than "ways to win", if you want to count possible keeper + goal configs... but I like the number 23 so I'm perfectly happy with the "ways to win" approach. 5 Keepers and 10 Cards in Hand are the first obvious wrinkles; throw in seemingly innocuous goals like "Peace (No War)" and it really gets interesting, since you not only have to account for your own keepers, but other players' as well. I do not [currently] possess the motivation to make any attempt to exhaustively compute the number of winning combinations, and such a table isn't likely to mean much (except I had waaaaaaaaaaaay too much time on my hands) since even things like hand size are variable, so for example there's no "clean" way to compute odds like you can in poker. It would be [somewhat] interesting to empirically keep track of which goals win most often... first guess, I'd go with the single-keeper goals like brain/peace/money/love (lesser % on AYNIL since it's more restrictive). I'd almost expect 5 Keepers to be farther up the list than most of the 2-keeper goals because it's so much less restrictive, Keeper Limits notwithstanding. Perhaps if I ever get off my butt and try to update MicroFluxx (I have a feeling I'd suck at the computer-player AI however), I'll keep track and report my findings. Note to community: no human can survive by holding their breath while waiting for this to happen ;-) Sorry for the long post. Sometimes I just get verbose. Cheers, Ankhst