Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] Idea for Wiki Art

  • FromDenis Moskowitz <dmm@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateThu, 8 Nov 2007 18:11:25 -0500 (EST)
> So... for every color (11):
> -Large, medium, small (3)
> --Up/N, S, E, W, flat left, flat right, above (7)
> -Nest, tree (2)
> --side, above (2)
> 11 x [ (3 x 7) + (2 x 2) ] =
> 11 x (21 + 4) = 11 x 25 =
> 275 images to make, save, and upload.

This really cries out for automation.  I can write some postscript to
generate line art (I really think povray is overkill for this purpose,
for many reasons) and just churn out the images in a few seconds.
Uploading is more of an issue - is there no-one who has access to the
wiki box to put images directly into place?

Please don't spend 2 hours clicking around in the GIMP doing repetitive
fills, etc. - that's what computers are for.  And it's not good for your
Denis M Moskowitz            Jen feroca malbona kuniklo; rigardu liajn
dmm@xxxxxxxxxxx              sovagxajn vangharojn, kaj liajn ungojn kaj
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