Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] monochrome stashes vs Treehouse sets

  • FromKristin Looney <kristin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateTue, 03 Mar 2009 14:21:06 -0500
--On 3/3/09 David Artman <david.artman@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Out of curiosity, Kristin--how many empty tubes remain, or
are they a renewable item? I'm thinking of cutting my
existing thirteen (fourteen) down to use the up-down
packing method rather than stacks-on-stacks; but if I ever
feel inclined to go back, I'd like to know if I'll be able
to re-buy the 14 full length tubes (indefinitely).

Indefinitely is a very long time...  but I'm tempted to say
yes to this question.  We have a LOT of tubes, and the very
overwhelming response from new retailers has been that they
would LOVE to get the Rainbow version of Treehouse in a box
like Pink Treehouse.  Yes, we did Pink this way as a test
to see what our retailers thought of this packaging, and
they love it. One big chain in particular said they would
carry it if we put it in the box...

That said, I don't anticipate dropping the tube version of
Treehouse, since there are lots of hobby retailers who say
they prefer this style to the box, and we have lots of tubes...
but please don't be surprised when you see Rainbow Treehouse
show up in a box!
