Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] 2009 pyramid game awards: who wants to help

  • FromEric Wald <eswald@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateWed, 19 May 2010 15:07:56 -0600
On Mon, May 17, Bryan Stout wrote:
> Your plan sounds good to me, Ryan, except that step 4 needs to be
> fleshed out more.  I think that for an initial pass, it's fine for one
> judge to eliminate games that obviously aren't worthy of an award, but
> there should be an intermediate step where remaining games are played
> by more judges before narrowing down to the finalists.
> At any rate, I'm in.  Who else?  Many hands make light work.

I'd like to think I can sign up, but I'm concerned about opponents.
There are a few gamers in my neighborhood, but few who have even played
Treehouse, and no real group to speak of.  On the other hand, there are
a couple of groups gathering this weekend, so I should be able to sneak
in a few new games.

- Eric