Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] 2009 pyramid game awards: who wants to help

  • FromS Myers <iamthecheeze@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateMon, 24 May 2010 15:44:55 -0400
I am arbitrarily taking the end of the list:
Stack Control
Tower Defense
Treehouse Snakes and Ladders

On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 8:45 AM, Ryan Hackel <deeplogic@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I've marked up the wiki page accordingly:
> http://icehousegames.org/wiki/index.php?title=New_in_2009
> I'll randomly assign myself five of the remaining games:
> - CrossWalk
> - Dodger
> - Flags
> - Polymer Chains
> - RAMbots Factory
> I aim to have evaluations of these games done by the end of the week.
> ---Ryan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Bryan Stout" [stoutwb@xxxxxxxxx]
> Date: 05/20/2010 06:12 PM
> To: "Icehouse Discussion List" <icehouse@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: Re: [Icehouse] 2009 pyramid game awards: who wants to help
> Well, we have enough volunteers to get started.
> Rather than making assignments, let's start by letting people pick the
> games they want to try. As a reminder, the list of games to go through
> is here: http://icehousegames.org/wiki/index.php?title=New_in_2009.
> I am willing to do:
> - Amoeba, because I've played it already.
> - Dectana, because I just got the 2 Dectet decks I ordered in the mail.
> And all the games from Anthony Kapolka's First Year Foundations Class,
> because I have working with Anthony on getting missing files ready to
> upload to the wiki (which will happen soon).  That includes:
> - Around & Around
> - Behind Enemy Lines
> - Candy Capture
> - Capture the Card
> - Dash
> - The Fast and Ferocious; or, Black Ice
> - Horde Runners
> - Icehouse Baseball
> - Ice House Bowling
> - Ice Points
> - IceRace
> - One Square at a Time to the Capture
> - Race to the Top
>  -Switch House!
> - Topple
> - Tree House Rush
> - Tri-Prism Face Off
> - Zoink!
> This isn't as big of a load as it seems.  A couple of them do not have
> available files, and several of them will be very quickly handled,
> being rather weak designs.  Don't feel obligated to claim many games
> to start with -- doing just a few will help.
> This is a first pass, a "slush pile" judgement to see what games are
> worthy to be evaluated by several people in consideration to be a
> finalist.  Think of their general appeal -- don't cut a good design
> just because it's not the sort of game you like to play.
> I propose the following method for posting your evaluations: after
> playing the game enough to decide whether it deserves making the cut
> to the intermediate level, place your comments about it in the
> "discussion" page for the game in question, labeling your comments
> "2009 Game Award evaluation".  Point out strengths and weaknesses, and
> why you think it is or is not worth having others look at it.  Be
> nice; make criticisms helpful for the designer, and others looking at
> it, to understand why you make your judgement, what worked and what
> didn't, how to do better.
> So, feel free to pick a few games to try out, and let the rest of us know!
> Bryan
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