--On November 16, 2006 "Rev. Bob" <BOB@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
My main demo store is similar, without the membership bit (and their food/soda prices are reasonable).
is this store on our roster? I looked up your rabbit account... <http://rabbits.looneylabs.com/?RabbitUserID=RevBob> and you don't have it listed on your bio, and it seems we only have 10 stores listed in all of Tenessee. <http://roster.looneylabs.com/?stateSearch=TN> Please let us know about any store you know of that sells our games but is not listed on our roster! And please update your bio to link to the store that you shop/play (or demo) at... Thanks!
I started demoing there by getting a couple of "ringers" to come in and play games with me, which attracted attention from other regulars. Also, it's a good thing to be able to have a regular demo day - as that way, if someone asks about a given product, the store can pimp the demo as a way to try-before-you-buy. Works out well all around.
This is great advice, Bob - perfect for a 'how to set up a regular demo event at your local game store' advice column. Would you like to contribute to such an article? Anyone else want to help write something like this? Thank you for being a Demo Rabbit! -Kristin