Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

Re: [Rabbits] Con Check: June '07. Anyone going to these JUNE cons?

  • From"Carol Townsend" <event-support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateFri, 25 May 2007 08:18:51 -0500
Thank's Matt - this is another reason why I don't just list all the shows there are.  :)

Conventions.net is not just gaming cons - as you can see.  They support our whole industry, which for many FLGS retailers includes comics.  So, comic-cons are on the list.  

Thanks again!

On 5/25/07, wctmatt@xxxxxxxxxxxxx < wctmatt@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I haven't attended this in a while, but unless things have changed, there is no designated gaming area here. I just checked the main website and it lists comic artists and media guests at the Penn Plaza Pavilion, which is a large floor area, so I think it's likelystill comic sellers and artist signing booths. Can anyone else confirm otherwise?

>    Big Apple Comic Con
>    New York NY USA
>    June 23, 2007 - June 24, 2007


Matt Lee
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