Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

RE: [Rabbits] Convention Roster

  • From"Christopher Hickman" <tophu@xxxxxxx>
  • DateThu, 19 Jul 2007 16:13:43 -0400
> I think it's time to move this discussion to the wiki itself (I see
> you've already done that, but it's largely split between your Talk
> pages).  Accordingly, I've created:
> http://rabbits.continuation.org/wiki/RabbitWiki:Conventions_as_Categories
> Should be a good place to catch follow-up discussion.  I'll try to get
> most of the current commentary included.

I'll see what I can do next week on this.  I'm getting my tonsils out
tomorrow, so I'm going to be pretty high on Demerol the next few days, but
after that I should be able to help. :)

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