Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

Re: [Rabbits] no more hobby store.... I am sad

  • From"Kimberly Terrill" <kiter5@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateMon, 6 Aug 2007 16:01:57 -0400
I am not concerned about MY kids being around alcohol. My concern is the people who have too much to drink...LOL. and it may or may not bother me much, but I am sure there are plenty of parents who'd not be too comfortable with ie... and we do want to support ALL gamers... even the 12 yr old ones and ones that are parents.
Maybe the game store could have a front room (kid-friendly) and a back room (for alcohol) with an option of a seperate entrance. And there needs to be an age limit for dropping off kids. I mean if the kid is 15, being dropped off is probably fine.. but it's NOT fine to drop of your 7 yrold to play Pokemon or whatever.... I am almost always there with my kids (almost 11, 12.5, almost 14), but was told my boys are great and behaved and the people that worked there had no problem if I left them there while I ran an errand or something- but, like I said, I am almost always there with them.
pretty soon, we'll have the perfect game Store all mapped out here..
I am actually looking forward to organizing some game playing at the local library...LOL. maybe the store closing was good for me in a way... give me the motivation to do some things like this on my own.
--Kimberly (we just don't drink much alcohol  at my house- never cared much for it)
On 8/6/07, Carlton Noles <carlton.noles@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Change that to "some" Parents. Then again I am likely to be there gaming with my kids anyway not just dropping them off and hoping someone else will watch over them for me. I have no problem generally speaking with my kids being around alcohol ( I have a well stocked liquor cabinet in my home and there is always beer in the fridge). I have talked with them about alcohol and responsibility more than once and I am a responsible drinker.

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