Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

Re: [Rabbits] no more hobby store.... I am sad

  • From"Julia C. Tenney" <tenney@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateMon, 6 Aug 2007 23:44:42 -0400
Quoting Marc Hartstein (marc.hartstein@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx):
> On Mon, Aug 06, 2007 at 04:02:41PM -0400, Julia C. Tenney wrote:
> > If anyone is in the boston area, there are pub game nights now.
> > Exploit Boston Game night is at Soul Fire BBQ in Allston, first
> > Tuesday of the month, i.e., tomorrow.
> Really?!  I'll have to make sure to come to the next one; I'm out of
> town tomorrow.

> Do they play good games?

Exploit boston has a lot of stock mainstream games, (whatever they
could get free promo copies of, usually) A number of regulars do bring 
their own games, and some of the more "serious" gamers do show up, but
there plenty of folks who happily spend 3 hours playing Apples to
Apples. (The woman running the game night is about to be my new
roommate, so, I may try to get a full list of the games onto BGG.) 



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