Looney Labs Educators Mailing list Archive

Re: [Edu] Games in the Classroom

  • From"Magi D. Shepley" <magid@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateThu, 06 Apr 2006 19:06:27 -0400

Ragnardove@xxxxxxx wrote:

In a message dated 4/6/2006 12:41:29 P.M. Central Standard Time, magid@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:

    They wouldn't put them in their mouths, if that is what you're
asking... Well, in some classroom, Spiklehead would be a definite possibility! You know your kids though, so I wanted to check.

I've been lucky, that except for summers when I taught kids with severe and profound disabilities, I've never had kids that mouth much. I've had quite a few that drool (and have one this year)... and have the worst table manners you could ever imagine... but that's about it.

    But, we've not been successful in trying to incorporate
    Pyramids in the past.  The only thing I've ever been able to do
    with the
    Pyramids is have them sort by type.

Bummer... sigh.... (think, think, think)
Let me get back to you, if I think of anything...

Thanks... I'm looking for things that use more mainstream games, as I said, partly because we have the parts/pieces, and partly because the kids LIKE those games and if I can teach them some new skills with old stuff, we're ahead of the boat!


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