Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] Possible Zendo game at SDG

  • FromAaron Dalton <aaron@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateFri, 10 Mar 2006 22:37:54 -0700
Doug Orleans wrote:
By the way, one of the things we experimented with on LiveJournal
Zendo is whether to keep it turn-based, which can be very slow
(especially if you allow mondo), or to allow koans and rule
guesses to be posted at any time.  This puts more responsibility on
the Master to be fair and not give an advantage to a player who
happens to be active at the same time as the Master and can make many
moves in a row.  Or, it can be turned into less of a game and more of a
cooperative puzzle.

I'm still not convinced that the game needs to take that much longer than any other multi-player game currently hosted. I do think that Povray koans may pose a challenge to non-programmers. I'm seriously considering creating a generic Zendo framework that we can immediately start using with text koans (as per David Leonard's suggestion). I could make it so you could either enter text or upload an arbitrary image file. I could then start work on the Povray koan framework after that if things go well.

Aaron Dalton       |   Super Duper Games
aaron@xxxxxxxxxx   |   http://superdupergames.org

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