Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

[Icehouse] 5 dollar gnostica deck

  • FromTheLoneGoldfish <thelonegoldfish@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateThu, 21 Dec 2006 05:34:27 -0500
For this project, I used:

2x Crown brand decks of playing cards (2packs)  [$2]
1x Sheet of 1/2"x 1-3/4" return address labels (avery 8167)  [$3]

The cards can be any kind you like, but the specified packs were $1 for each two pack, and contain just the right set of cards for this project to work.

I printed the 78 cards' power icons onto the address labels (will post my labels soon), then applied the 40 numbered minor arcana to match their suits on the numbered cards of one deck (hearts-cups, diamonds-discs, clubs-rods, spades-swords), followed by the royalty of which I only used the Queens and Jacks from both decks.

The major arcana I put onto the kings, second set of aces, the jokers (8), and the ranking of poker hands cards (perfect for the fool, and I used the second one for the magician).

I tried to match the powers of most of the cards to the suits I had remaining (3 cards per suit), and put the remaining eight onto the jokers).

  • I didn't print numbers on the labels, which would have helped with the starting conditions of the game, especially since I messed up the order applying the major arcana.
  • I used the low-quality web images of each icon for creating the stickers instead of trying to take the images from the pdfs.
  • I don't know what to do with a deck of 2-10 cards of each suit.
  • I really don't have anyone to play with.
  • Some of the stickers went on crooked.

I'll try and get the stickers up on BGG or something, and I should try and take some pictures of how it turned out.
