Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

[Icehouse] off colored pyramids question

  • FromKristin Looney <customer-support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateMon, 22 Jan 2007 10:08:39 -0500
If you are not on the Fluxx or Rabbits or WeeklyNews lists, you
might have missed the fact that Andy just started video blogging

and even if you are on those lists, and saw his first Fluxx video,
you still likely missed this new one from yesterday:


so here is my question  - how should we go about selling these?

The first time we got some weird colors, we had only a couple
of stashes, and they sat around for a year or two, and then Andy
sold them on ebay - several years ago at this point.

the Root Beer stash sold on ebay for $100

the Watermelon stash sold on ebay for $51

My question is:  how badly do you guys want solid stashes of strange
colors?  Or what about if we turn them all into fancy Treehouse sets?

When we first got this new batch of crazy off colors a few years
back, and started trying to sort them into something useful, the
job was a big challenge - because it was hard to find 15 that really
were the same color.  But finding 3 (a large, medium, and small) that
really match well is a much easier challenge.  So we will absolutely
be making a lot of these into fancy Treehouse sets.

Which got me thinking...  a Treehouse set with 5 different trees
of colors that almost nobody else has is WAY cool, I think even
cooler than having a solid stash of all one wacky color. For the
pyramid fan who owns a stash of every available color, and doesn't
really see any need to own Treehouse - a Treehouse set with trees
in 5 wacky colors nobody else has might be just the thing.

No promises on how soon any of this will actually become available,
but I do need to get this project moved off the game room table
before Thursday...  so I would love some feedback on this solid
stash of wacky colors question.

Assume a $50 price tag.  Who on this list is going to be really
sad if they don't get the chance to buy a solid stash of odd colors?

My vote is to turn them all into a run of fancy Treehouse sets...

-Kristin (she who manufactures pyramids)

P.S.  Never say never, but I never want to do a hand sort like
this ever again... I don't expect we will be having them make
a small run of random in between colors like this ever again.