Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

RE: [Icehouse] Marking Martian Coasters as Xeno

  • FromDavid Artman <david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateThu, 04 Oct 2007 09:46:27 -0700
You did read this paragraph, right?:

"My Idea: I am thinking of using a Sharpie to make an X across the
entire coaster, corner to corner, but drawn as if BEHIND the squares (it
won't intersect any arrows). Thus, only the white portions of the
coasters would show the X, but (I think) it will be glaringly obvious to
spot this X and associate it with Xeno and, thus, ***focus on the arrow
colors instead of the square colors***."
(asterisks added for emphasis)

I am definitely aware of the arrow colors; so, yes, I am asking the

> From: Christopher Hickman <tophu@xxxxxxx>
> If you mean that you need some way to mark a second set of coasters to say "Hey, these ones are Xeno coasters, ignore the square colors!" then Just get a fat sharpie and black in the border around the whole coaster.

Interesting idea, because it doesn't "lock" one into designating them
Xeno, per se (the black border could ACTUALLY be to designate them as
Rainbow, which has Black opaques). I am not sure, however, if I like the
idea, as it could make it particularly hard to see the arrows that point
off of the coaster (viz purple arrows on the yellow (?) coaster).

But you give me a second idea: black out the squares themselves, making
only the arrows visible (black out the Rainbow color on the center
squares, leaving only the Xeno). Seems a bit... dark and harsh... but it
is really unequivocal.

OK, great, thanks! Two idea from one post! Any others?