Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] IGDC Winter 2009?

  • FromS Myers <iamthecheeze@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateMon, 23 Feb 2009 14:38:12 -0500
well it's not as though there's anything magical in doing a little
math.  he just helped you out with it, is all.  And, i mean, if a
bunch of people gang up and decide to push to make one game ranked
really high .... well ... i mean ... isn't that the point? Popular
games get voted highly and receive some praise?

On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 2:33 PM, David Molnar <theonlymolnar@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Dale,
> I'd just like to point out that you express a concern about the effects of
> voting strategically under the Condorcet or ranked pairs method, then you
> propose a different system and tell people how they should game it.
> David
> On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 2:18 PM, Dale Sheldon <dales@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
>> Tangentially related, since a year and a half ago (when I aggresively
>> argued about how we should count the votes for these things) I've done a lot
>> of reading on voting systems (William Poundstone's "Gaming the Vote" in
>> particular), that has changed my opinion about Condorcet and ranked pairs.
>> I'd now like to advocate for score voting (every voter gives a score on
>> some scale (0-5, 0-9, 0-99; doesn't really matter*), highest average score
>> wins**.)
>> [snip]
>> *Strategically, you should always give your favorite candidate the highest
>> score and your least-favorite the lowest possible score (usually 0), even if
>> you don't consider them to be the best (or worst) game _ever_; you're only
>> comparing the games within the contest, not all games across all time.
>> --
>> Dale Sheldon
>> dales@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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