Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

Re: [Rabbits] Are you a werewolf? Question

  • From"Carol Townsend" <carol.townsend@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateMon, 3 Jul 2006 21:42:53 -0500
On 7/3/06, Billy Brahma <billybrahma@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Ok Ok Ok before all this gets out of hand..

No Rabbit playing a LOONEY game as a LOONEY Rep is allowed to play any AYAW?
game of more than 15 people in a village.

I think this was specifically for the tourney games.  No tournament
game was allowed to be more than 15 people per village.

The National AYAW tournament was run at Origins, and followed all the
rules (including the 15 rule) because it was the Nationals.  Or World
Championships.  Or something.  :)

As for others being allowed to play differently, I don't think it's
the intent of Looney Labs to say "you're not allowed to play like X, Y
or Z" - that's not the cool hippie sort of way of doing things and
everyone has house rules.  They've said that 15 people is how they
intended play to be (it's in the printed rules) and if you sit and
have a discussion about AYAW theory and strategy, it's interesting to
see how games of 7 or 9 people happen.  You have to be SO on TOP of
your game, as either WW or Villager to survive - fewer people = fewer
nights to find the werewolf = fewer other people to be mauled or
lynched before they get to you.  I'd never thought of the game in
those terms before and it made me think a lot harder about the game -
and made me think that I might like to play it with the cool people
having the discussion, because AYAW is really not my favorite game.

Moral of the story for me?  I won't play in a game of 30, but I won't
worry about whether or not they happen, I probably won't play in a
game of 15, I may play in a game of 7 or 9.  It sounds like a lot more


peas out