Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] Xeno color mapping for Homeworlds

  • FromCaleb Welton <cewelton@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateMon, 4 Jun 2007 16:43:47 -0700 (PDT)
For what it's worth I favor Andy's mapping -

> 	Cyan = Green
> 	Orange = Red
> 	Purple = Blue
> 	Clear = Yellow

While cyan may be closely related to blue, the actual Blue mids are very dark
and the purple mids feel like a better substituton than the cyan mids.  Cyan as
green doesn't seem unnatural, orange-red is straight forward.  The pairing I
like least is clear/yellow but if forced to I could probably get used to it.

-Caleb  (aka clockwise over on sdg)

--- Andy Looney <andy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hey folks! I need to make a final decision on this in the next couple of 
> days, since I'm trying to get 3HOUSE sent to the printer on Wednesday. John 
> is leaving this decision up to me, but what do others think?
> ================================================================
> Timothy Hunt wrote:
> The colour mapping you suggest just didn't sit right with me.  I
> understand why you chose what you did, in that it makes all the Xeno
> colours fairly close to all the rainbow colours.  But there was one
> particular thing that bugged me, so I sent a note out to the local
> warren.
> > I have a question for you all.
> >
> > Let us suppose there is a game where colour is significant (other than
> > it belonging to a particular player), like ooh, Homeworlds.  and let
> > us suppose that like Homeworlds it was originally written for rainbow
> > colours (Red/Green/Blue/Yellow).
> >
> > Now let us suppose that you only have Xeno colours
> > (Cyan/Orange/Clear/Purple) (I'm ignoring black/white as they are both
> > opaque).
> >
> > What translation would you use to help keep things clear in your mind
> > as to which Xeno colours mean what?
> What was most telling in the responses I got (matching my own concern)
> is that there is a very strong correlation between Cyan and Blue.
> Yes, if you map it with Cyan > Blue, it means you are forced to have a
> weak correlation elsewhere, rather than having 4 medium correlations
> as you have in the chart.  However, the Blue > Cyan correlation is so
> strong that not having it is likely to create confusion, especially if
> someone has played Rainbow Homeworlds and is now playing Xeno
> homeworlds.  Indeed, in my experience of playing lots of pyramid
> games, if Cyan is used, absent the Blue, people will call Cyan "Blue".
>  With Blue in play, they usually call them Dark Blue and Light Blue.
> The most commonly suggested correlation absent any other information was:
> 	Cyan = Blue
> 	Purple = Red
> 	Orange = Yellow
> 	Clear = Green
> However, Di Sudduth pointed out:
> > My first reaction is to say "look at a Martian Coaster" as the
> > correlations were set up when those were printed.  Right or wrong or
> > whatever, the standard was set...
> She makes a good point.
> In this case the mapping would be:
> 	Cyan = Blue
> 	Orange = Green
> 	Purple = Yellow
> 	Clear = Red
> I'm not sure what mapping is the "right" one.  But I feel pretty
> strongly that the "right" one has "Cyan = Blue" in it.
> ================================================================
> I see his points, but I still favor my mapping:
> 	Cyan = Green
> 	Orange = Red
> 	Purple = Blue
> 	Clear = Yellow
> What do you think?
> -- Andy
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