Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] CRP Ranking: Can It Skip Ranks?

  • From"Jake Eakle" <jseakle@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateThu, 7 Feb 2008 16:26:40 -0500

 > I'm not changing the rules; I am trying to properly interpret a judge's
 > clear, ranked ballot. While we've been discussing this, the judge HAS
 > confirmed that this was intended:
 > 1) AAA
 > 2) BBB
 > 8 (yes, eight)) CCC

That is not a valid ballot by the rules.


I assume it means the other 5 are tied for 3rd?

A warb degombs the brangy. Your gitch zanks and leils the warb.