Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

RE: [Icehouse] Winter 2008 IGDC Rankings!

  • FromDale Sheldon <dales@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateTue, 19 Feb 2008 17:01:54 -0500 (EST)
On Tue, 19 Feb 2008, David Artman wrote:

Darn it. I went and ran the algorithm already (this one was much easier than summers). I'll keep quiet on my "partial results" though. Hurry up folks!

Nope, time's up. He's had a half-hour to respond. Give us the results.

Reminder: I do these by hand (because I'm a Condorcet-method junkie), so please double check me.

Marginal Vote Table (top entry beats bottom entry by:)

	CR	H	M12	MG	Timb	Time	VF	WT
WT	-1	-1	2	-10	-6	-3	0	*
VF	-1	7	-1	-5	4	0	*	0
Time	-2	-2	7	-8	-5	*	0	3
Timb	1	-1	4	-8	*	5	-4	6
MG	10	8	9	*	8	8	5	10
M12	-9	0	*	-9	-4	-7	1	-2
H	4	*	0	-8	1	2	-7	1
CR	*	-4	9	-10	-1	2	1	1

Sorted Tallies (does not include MG (as it had no wins) or ties):

9:	M12 > CR
7:	M12 > Time
	H > VF
6:	WT > Timb
5:	Time > Timb
4:	Timb > VF
	M12 > Timb
	CR > H
3:	WT > Tel
2:	Time > CR
	Time > H
	M12 > WT
1:	WT > CR
	VF > CR *ignored*
	CR > Timb
	WT > H
	Timb > H
	VF > M12 *ignored*


8th: Matian Gunslingers
7th: Virus Fight
6th: Hunt
5th: Timber Land
4th: Chicken Run

3rd: Timelock
2nd: Wrecktangle

And the winner is: Martian Twelves

Again, please double check my work, and don't take these as official until they have been double checked.

Dale Sheldon