Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

RE: [Icehouse] Winter 2008 IGDC Rankings!

  • FromDoug Orleans <dougorleans@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateTue, 19 Feb 2008 18:28:13 -0500
Dale Sheldon writes:
 > Reminder: I do these by hand (because I'm a Condorcet-method junkie), so 
 > please double check me.
 > Marginal Vote Table (top entry beats bottom entry by:)
 >  	CR	H	M12	MG	Timb	Time	VF	WT
 > WT	-1	-1	2	-10	-6	-3	0	*
 > VF	-1	7	-1	-5	4	0	*	0
 > Time	-2	-2	7	-8	-5	*	0	3
 > Timb	1	-1	4	-8	*	5	-4	6
 > MG	10	8	9	*	8	8	5	10
 > M12	-9	0	*	-9	-4	-7	1	-2
 > H	4	*	0	-8	1	2	-7	1
 > CR	*	-4	9	-10	-1	2	1	1

My table has CR beating VF by 1, where you have the opposite.
However, that doesn't change anything in the results-- it just means
one fewer conflict to ignore.

 > Results:
 > 8th: Matian Gunslingers
 > 7th: Virus Fight
 > 6th: Hunt
 > 5th: Timber Land
 > 4th: Chicken Run
 > 3rd: Timelock
 > 2nd: Wrecktangle
 > And the winner is: Martian Twelves
 > Again, please double check my work, and don't take these as official until 
 > they have been double checked.

Looks right to me.  It seems ironic that Virus Fight was the only one
to beat Martian Twelves, and it tied Timelock and Wrecktangle, yet
ended up in 7th place because it lost to Timberland and Hunt by big
margins.  Preference voting is funny that way.  I guess Virus Fight
had "high negatives", just like Hillary Clinton!
