Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] Binary Homeworlds help needed

  • FromDon Sheldon <don.sheldon@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateWed, 11 Feb 2009 12:39:44 -0500
On 2/11/09, miyu <xmiyux@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Green – Grow
> Red – Attack
> Yellow – Move
> Blue – Trade?
> Black – not used?


> I know each player makes a binary star at the beginning with 2 large pieces
> as their home system.

Incorrect.  You get any two pieces you want.  By traditional thinking,
two larges is a very poor choice.  You also get a ship, which is
highly recommended to be large.

> Players can only move ships to star systems that do
> not share a piece size as the system a ship is leaving.  You get one action
> a turn unless you cash in a ship for actions equal to number of pip counts.

Sounds OK.

> I specifically forget what causes an overpopulation.  How many of one color
> in a star system causes this?

Four /pieces/ (ships on both sides and stars).

> Note: I was taught the game at Origins 2008 and haven't had the opportunity
> to play since. :(

Then I highly recommned SuperDuperGames.org.  The interface is not the
slickest, but the competition (when it happens) is fierce but
friendly.  I'm on as dsheldon and am always willing to play (and

In the link JB posted, remember that those rules are for "standard"
Homeworlds, which assumes four players.  The difference is you will
only need three of each size/color (instead of five) and you can
ignore the rules regarding good and evil.

(Unless they've been updated, I haven't checked in a very long time.)

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