Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] Poll: How Do You Store?

  • FromDavid Artman <david.artman@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateWed, 4 Mar 2009 11:44:07 -0500
Wow! I guess I hit on a good poll after all. A few random points:

Like this:

SERIOUSLY impressive--but not expansive. Where do you plan to put pink? ;)

On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 9:10 AM, Roger Burton West <roger@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I don't use the tubes at all (I just keep one for Moon Shot).

Really?! I'm so flattered. I thought no one else but me liked dexterity games anymore.

OK, I guess Q3 was a bit poorly worded. What I meant by it was how most folks answered: Did you keep original packaging, or utterly replace it, or keep it but seek out a collective storage system in which it fit well (or some fourth option I'm not imagining)?

I reckon I might have had a bit of a motive to asking that, vis a vis the new boxed packaging. The box is making me actually repackage ONLY my two loose Treehouse sets (to salvage a tube instead of making a $1 LL order)--I will put them into the Pink box and put pink into one of the freed-up tubes (saving the other tube... or maybe I'll put my beads into it and salvage my Crown Royal bag...). AND I think I am going to cut down my tubes to the length needed for up-down packing, if it will mean I can still store them (oriented differently) in my existing case. As I posted earlier... I got some math to do.

Or I might use an old laptop bag (great idea!).

Thanks, everyone, for sharing your ideas--and thanks in advance to those still to answer! Some of the stuff is fascinating, some of it would make my OCD do flips... and some are both--the chessboard bag *sweet!* with loose mids *shriek!*.