Top posting has become popular due to the fact that many email clients can now merge the quoted text to a little line at the bottom. I agree that top-posting sucks. The person is expected to be reading all of the previous posts in a thread - like presented in gmail - and keep track of the email in that way. So, people with gmail and similar clients. Nice, you get to top-post and it doesn't cause troubles... However, persons that have been on the internet for 10+ years, and have become familiar with web edicit have learned that top-posting is considered rude/lazy/confusing. Top post if you desire. However, do so realizing that many people do not appretiate it, and we'd rather you post in-line to what you are responding to, or at the bottom of the messages - heck best if you just delete all no-appropriate text for those that get the email list daily. Point is, there are etiquite standards which have become obsolete and/or ignored to the point of others no longer caring (or thinking us rude to expect them to conform.) You've been asked politely, informed why. We need not continue to be upset with eachoter over this. We now know the what's and why's. If you choose to do it your way, we understand and will put up with it. However, you will be reminded on a simi-regular basis that it is not the proper way of doing things. That is all. Have a lovely day, Steven Black note: I can't spell half the time, sound it out if it's misspelled, sorry.