Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] Poll: How Do You Store?

  • FromTim Seiger <ts52@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateTue, 3 Mar 2009 16:27:42 -0500
> Q1) How do you store your pyramids?

In a drawstring bag I made that opens up to lie as a flat circle and
has pockets for eight stashes. Also carries a smaller drawstring bag
of zendo stones, a chessboard bandanna, treehouse dice, other dice and
martian coasters.

An IceTowers boxed set, a Zendo boxed set, three other monochrome
stashes in tubes. A 3house set in altoids tins in a drawstring bag
(using zero, one and two pip pieces). A drawstring bag of 4 wooden
stashes. And I think one Rainbow and one Xeno treehouse sets in tubes.
I think that's all my pyramids.

> Q2) How did you purchase your collection of pyramids?

First four stashes were part of the Martian chess set. Then bought new
colors as they came out in stash tubes (through gray, still need to
buy a stash of pink). Also bought Zendo and IceTowers boxed sets.
Bought a set of wooden pieces from Andy on ebay, and 4 rainbow
treehouse sets and one xeno.

> Q3) Do you think your storage solution is impacted by the product package?

Since my main storage is my own bag, I'll say no.


ps - Yes, I know I have a problem... but I'm getting better. ;)