Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] Poll: How Do You Store?

  • FromSimon Budig <simon@xxxxxxxx>
  • DateTue, 3 Mar 2009 23:11:54 +0100
David Artman (david.artman@xxxxxxxxx) wrote:
> Q1) How do you store your pyramids? Be specific (e.g. stacks of nests in
> tubes in a Purple Bag; nests upright in a custom wooden box with foam
> padding; etc).

Some might know this photo already since we discussed it on the list
already, but anyway (still proud of it  :)

Like this:

In the meantime the pebbles are in a drawstring bag, since this is way
more convenient. Also the book and other stuff is packaged on top of

For the curious: the inlay is two sheets of lasercut plastics, the
pyramids rest in cut-out trapezoids in two different sizes:

I have a few improvement ideas which currently fail to get realized
because of the big shipping cost between Ponoko (New Zealand) and me
(Europe). And a not-very-high-pressure to improve that  :)

> Q2) How did you purchase your collection of pyramids? Be specific (e.g. all
> mono stashes, over years; some mono, some Treehouse; all Treehouse, except
> for gray and pink; etc).

All in one big order of mono stashes, Again, shipping cost between USA
and Europe being a reason for that.

> Q3) Do you think your storage solution is impacted by the product package?
> If so, how so?

It is not.


              simon@xxxxxxxx              http://simon.budig.de/