Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] Big wiki change

  • From"Elliott C. Evans" <eeyore@xxxxxxxx>
  • DateThu, 24 Mar 2011 13:08:15 -0500

Joshua K. wrote:
Really, the model of communication for the current Internet is
"disaspora" -- and you lose a lot more by fighting it than by
embracing it.

(I'm assuming you mean "Diaspora", the software.)

While you're probably right about social networks in general, I
think it makes sense for Looney Labs to maintain their own social
centralized network specifically for their games.

I can even understand why they'd delegate admin responsibilities
for that to some other company like Ning. After watching them
struggle with software and hosting issues for more than 15 years,
handing that stress off to somebody else must be a relief.

When the mailing lists were started in the 1990's email was the
future. It's good to see the Looneys moving discussions out of
a 20th century model into a 21st century model.

I'm concerned about three things, though.

1) Im concerned that other forums I frequent have already started
to stagnate and see diminished use. Discussion forums seem to have
been an aughties thing. What's next?

2) I'm concerned with having to join yet another web site run by
yet another company. Who is Ning, and what do they want?

3) I'm concerned that I'm being left behind. Maybe it's by my own
choice, but how many others are simply being lost?

Elliott C. "Eeyore" Evans