On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 11:40 AM, David L. Willson <DLWillson@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Have you all seen this page here? http://wunderland.com/WhatsOld/2008/WN.02.21.08.html I imagine that I saw that page back in 2008--can't recall. I doubt that will be the new packaging for whatever is planned (3HOUSE, 6HOUSE, Volcano set, whatever). For one, I don't think they're keen on the plastic tubes anymore--I'd bet the new product will be all cardboard packaging, more like the Zendo boxed set. Then again... they still have those plastic tubes for Treehouse, so maybe it's just a case of making a bundle with a custom insert (but, again, I'd shoot for at least 5HOUSE). There's really only three people on this list that can speak to these points, though. We're all just speculating or dreaming (or, in my case, stumping). :)